Through our funding, we support political changemakers from all over Europe. From ideation to scale.
We support initiatives that fall into three different categories:
- initiatives aiming to build more inclusive and human political cultures;
- initiatives that are working to find effective ways for people and communities to mobilise and build political power;
- initiatives that prepare new political leaders to run for office and create meaningful change.

Funding FAQs
What types of funding do you offer?
We offer three types of grants:
- Ideation grants of €10.000 for individuals or groups willing to develop an idea.
- Incubation grants up to €50.000 to turn ideas into sustainable initiatives.
- Scaling grants up to €100.000 for organisations ready to increase their impact.
You can apply for our ideation grants through our dedicated form. If you want to apply for an incubation or a scaling grant, please write to us through our contact page.
On top of our grants, we offer our grantees practical support (i.e. legal advice, communications, coaching, mentoring, etc.), skill building and a community of practice to accelerate their mission of political renewal.
How can I apply for the different types of grants?
You can apply for our ideation grants through our dedicated form. If you want to apply for an incubation or a scaling grant, you can do so on our dedicated page.
Where do you fund?
We support political changemakers across Europe, from France to Ukraine and from Norway to Greece. This is the list of countries where your project must operate to receive funds from us : Albania, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Cyprus, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, Ukraine.
What are the criteria you are using to select initiatives for funding?
Our criteria are defined in collaboration with grassroots activists doing the work on the ground, equity and political experts. They are the questions we ask ourselves to assess the priority of a grant request:
Does the initiative fall within one or more of the following categories:
- Initiatives aiming to build more inclusive and human political cultures.
- Initiatives that are working to find effective ways for people and communities to mobilise and build political power.
- Initiatives that prepare new political leaders to run for office and create meaningful change.
For clarity, here is a list of initiatives and organisations we don’t fund:
- We don’t fund political parties, election campaigns or candidates.
- We don’t fund initiatives or organisations whose mission doesn’t comprise building political power to change who holds power, how it is exercised, and how people connect to it.
- We don’t fund community organising or empowerment work unless it is part of a strategy for people to exercise power themselves and hold political leadership positions ultimately.
Who is leading the initiative:
- Is the initiative led by individuals or groups directly affected by the issue or underrepresented in politics?
- Do the team members of the initiative have a track record of action in people-powered initiatives, community organising, or electoral politics?
Vision & Strategy:
- Does the initiative consider the root causes of the issues we face in society or politics (i.e., structural discrimination, inequality, etc.)?
- Does the initiative focus on overcoming structural barriers to representation in politics as stated in our research?
- Does the initiative’s primary target group consist of people affected by the issue or underrepresented in politics?
- Is the initiative designed to have a long-term impact?
- Does the initiative contribute to building collective power?
- Does the initiative provide a clear analysis of the landscape, challenges, and opportunities to reimagine politics?
- Does the initiative work in relationship or partnership with other initiatives in the field/geography?
Culture & Positioning:
- Does the initiative plan to contribute to a new kind of political leadership–representative, soulful and human?
- Does the initiative include principles of equity in its approach, organisational design, systems, or process?
- Does the initiative demonstrate humility and curiosity?
- Does the initiative bring people together to address issues of oppression and inclusion?
How does your grant making process work ?
We experiment with collaborative and participatory funding mechanisms.
We are working towards a funding process, centering communities who are best placed to define their needs and design our process based on their resources and capacity. We are reaching out to grassroots groups who are often excluded from grantmaking and work to connect grantees to create shared purpose and increase strategic efficiency.
We identify initiatives through our network of local connectors, grantees and supporters all across Europe and support potential grantees in the grantmaking process.
Our grant making council members are grassroots activists, organisers and political changemakers who have shown deep impact in building initiatives and organisations to reimagine politics and build power on the ground. They review applications for ideation grants based on selection criteria and provide Multitudes’ team and board with their recommendation for funding.
What is the application process?
Once you apply through an open call or send us unsolicited request for funding, we then continue with the following procedure :
- Multitudes’ team reviews your request to make sure it’s within the focus of the foundation.
- If this is an unsolicited request for funding, we reach out to you to get information needed for your application.
- If it is for ideation grant, Multitudes’ team shares information about your project to the grant making council
- The grant making council reviews ideation applications twice a year and assesses them based on criteria that are reviewed annually by our grantees community.
- The grant making council selects initiatives for ideation grants based on the number of available grants in the given year.
- Multitudes team selects initiatives for incubation grants or scaling grants based on the number of available grants in the given year.
- Multitudes team proceeds with a due diligence check for selected grantees.
- Multitudes’ team and board approve the grants.
- We work with you so you can receive the funds.
When do you make decisions?
We review applications as they arrive on a rolling basis. Our board approves the grants twice a year.
How long does the process take?
Depending on the process (open call or unsolicited request) you can expect to receive funds within 6 months maximum after your official application has been filed.
As we are building the Foundation, we hope to shorten the delays. We will make sure you always have clarity so you know at what stage is your application.
Who makes funding decisions?
We experiment with collaborative and participatory funding mechanisms.
We are working towards a funding process centering communities that are best placed to define their needs and design our process based on their resources and capacity. We are reaching out to grassroots groups who are often excluded from grantmaking and work to connect grantees to create shared purpose and increase strategic efficiency.
We identify initiatives through our network of local connectors, grantees and supporters all across Europe and support potential grantees in the grantmaking process.
Our grant making council members are grassroots activists, organisers and political changemakers who have shown deep impact in building initiatives and organisations to reimagine politics and build power on the ground. They review applications for ideation grants based on selection criteria and provide Multitudes’ team and board with their recommendation for funding.
Do you accept unsolicited proposals?
Yes. Individuals and organisations can send us unsolicited proposals through our contact form.
Do we need other funders onboard to apply for grants?
No. We are committed to funding individuals and initiatives who are not yet supported by other organisations.
Do you provide multi-year funding?
As we build Multitudes, we are working towards securing more funding to ensure we can propose multi-year support to our grantees. We will prioritise support to individuals and initiatives that are going through ideation with us on their journey towards scaling their impact.
Do you provide unrestricted funding ?
We provide unrestricted funding to allow our grantees to develop their initiatives in the way they think is best. We are committed to offer core funding to help our community build sustainable initiatives.
The use of Multitudes funding is always unbound by any temporal restriction. We believe in our grantees’ ability to use our funding whenever needed and support them to ensure accountability in their financial management. We engage in yearly learning conversations with grantees to discuss how and if the grant was helpful and how we can support the organisation further.
Do you ask for reporting for your grants?
We prioritise learning over reporting to make sure our grantees don’t spend more time and resources reporting on funding than doing the work on the ground. We organise learning sessions with our grantees to make sure this can serve the community of changemakers we support.
Who can I contact if I have feedback about the grant making process?
We are just getting started and are experimenting with our grant making process. Send us your ideas and feedback through our contact page.